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Rare surgical procedure saves the life a new born

Pragativahini News, BelagaviA new born baby with multiple birth anomalies in critical state shifted to KLES Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital, Belagavi from a private hospital of Kugnoli (Chikkodi Taluk). Dr. Santosh Kurbet, Senior Pediatric Surgeon examined the baby & investigations revealed the baby is suffering from intestinal atresia (blockage in small intestine). The baby had multiple episodes of vomiting, hard, swollen abdomen & failure to pass motion.

Dr. Santosh Kurbet and team counselled the parents, obtained high risk consent for surgery & immediately posted the baby for surgery. Operating on a newborn with 2 Kgs of weight is a challenge & involves great amount of risk. On opening the abdomen to the surprise of Surgeon the baby had three major anomalies such as;


  1. Ileal duplication (extra growth of about 25 cms length of intestine)
  2. Ileal atresia (blockage in intestine) and 
  3. Twisted intestine (Malrotation of the gut). 


All the three complex birth defects were surgically corrected in over 3-hour long surgery on a new born baby. Baby very well withstood anesthesia support & surgery. Post surgically baby was stabilized by a highly specialized team of neonatologists, specially trained nurses and respiratory therapists who have years of expertise in treating complex neonates. The multi-disciplinary team consisted of Dr S M. Dhaded, Dr Manisha  R. Bhandankar, Dr Anil Kallesh, Dr N S. Mahanshetti, Dr Mahantesh V. Patil. Post operatively infant recovered well and is discharged from hospital. 

 It needs higher degrees of micro surgical skills, perseverance and tremendous patience to operate on child which is just born and weighing 2 Kgs opined Dr. M V Jali and he congratulated the entire team for their efforts in saving life of a child. 

The complete care was covered under Ayushman Bharat Arogya Karnataka scheme. Such cases are rare in the medical literature. Dr Prabhakar Kore, Chairman KLE Society, congratulated the whole team for this rare achievement.


ಪ್ರಗತಿವಾಹಿನಿ ಸುದ್ದಿಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರಿಗೆ, ಬೇರೆ ಗ್ರುಪ್ ಗಳಿಗೆ ಶೇರ್ ಮಾಡಿ

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