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CREDAI Belagavi Appeals BCC to Rollback Decision of Increasing Property Tax

BCC, Alike Govts Must Give Some Relaxation to Coverup the Crucial Situation

Pragativahini News, Belagavi :  The CREDAI Belagavi has urged the City Corporation to rollback the decision of increasing tax on property. The corporation to get covered its income due to COVID-19 has decided to increase by 30pc from current fiscal.

A delegation of CREDAI Belagavi headed by President Rajesh Heda met Corporation Commissioner KH Jagadish and pleaded in this regard. Quoting the adverse effect on business and other earnings of people from COVID-19, the association said the residents are no exception to this pandemic. Businesses, establishments, industries, traders, professionals, salaried class and common people along with the daily wages earner have been directly or indirectly affected in many ways.

The first two months of this financial year have already gone under lockdown due to this pandemic situation. Citizens earnings and income has taken a negative effect. In this unprecedented situation, the Central Government, RBI and various Governments departments, State Government, etc., have also come forward and given its Relief packages or concessions to various segments of population and are working towards easing problems of the citizens.

Businesses and Industries have come forward and compensated their staff and workers, in-spite of closure during lockdown and overheads like Rent, Taxes & Bank Interest on them. The Community at large is having great difficulties in paying EMIs, Fees, Government Duties & Taxes, Etc. due to No Cash Flow.

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The property tax rates of Belagavi City Corporation are one of the highest and the increase in tax rate at these difficult times is not accepted. The implications are well understood and looked upon by all stake holders, industries, business establishments, common persons and to people as a jolt in these challenging times.

The association has appealed the corporation to withdraw the order to increase the property tax and also to reduce the property tax for this current year with respect to preceding year and also please extend the last date of 5% rebate on Property Tax to June, 30, 2020.

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