
MLIRC celebrates February 4th as Maratha Day



    Pragativahini News, Belagavi

The MARATHA Light Infantry Regiment of the Indian Army is celebrating 250th raising day  from February 4th to 6th, at regimental center Belagavi.

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February 4 has a historical significance as on this day in 1670 Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji, conquered Fort Kondhana famously known as Sinhgarh near Pune in Maharashtra and Maratha Light Infantry (MLI) battalions posted across the country celebrate this day as ‘Maratha Day’.

Maratha Day – February 4 commemorates the momentous day, when Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had resolved to reclaim his lost territories. On 4th February 1670, Chhatrapati Shivaji had started the victory march by capturing Kondhana fort (present-day Singhgarh fort) in Pune. This victory was a corner stone in the King’s conquest. ‘The warrior’ Tanaji Malusare, commander of Chhatrapati Shivaji was given the task to capture Sinhgarh Fort from Mughals headed by Udaybhan Singh Rathod, fortkeeper under Mughal General Jai Singh. A steep cliff leading to the fort was scaled at night with the help of a tamed monitor lizard named “Yashwanti”, to whom the Marathas attached a rope and sent to scale the wall with its claws. A fierce battle took place between the forces of Tanaji and Udaybhan. The fort was eventually captured but during the battle, Tanaji was gravely wounded and died fighting on the battlefield. Upon hearing the demise of Tanaji, Shivaji was struck with grief and expressed his sorrow by uttering, “Gad aala, pan Sinha gela” (“ The Fort is captured but, but the Lion is dead” ).

 Tanaji Malusare’s supreme dedication and sacrifice is being celebrated proudly as he is an inspiring figure for all Maratha soldiers and the Regiment draws inspiration from his legacy. To commemorate the supreme sacrifice of Tanaji Malusare and capture of Sinhgarh fort by the gallant Maratha warriors on Maratha Day and 250 glorious years of raising of Maratha Regiment, numerous cultural programs and adventure activities are being conducted  at The Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre, Belagavi from 04- 06 February 2019.




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