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Pragativahini News, Panaji –
“We are not the only One who Serve the Community but our Purpose is One, We can’t do everything but we can do something”   With this high note Melvin Jones Fellow Lion Monika Prashant Sawant successfully completed her term as District Governor and in 43 years of history.

She is the First Lady to be elected to serve the coveted office of District Governor in Lions District 317 B which comprises of entire Goa and Nine revenue districts of Karnataka State and Created New Milestone in the District 317 B. On 27th   she handed over the charge of mantle to the team of 2019-20 under the leadership of Lion Sasindaran Nair, Goa.

During her tenure 2018-2019 the Lions of District 317 B shattered all glass ceilings by organizing several record breaking service initiatives for the benefit of poor & needy, to mention a few; screened more than 21,600 eyes of School Children, 2170 free eye cataract operations, donated more than 2610 units of Blood, Distributed 12,000 plus kgs of Food Grains to various Orphanage, Child Rehabilitation Centres, Old-Age Homes, Constructed more than 54 Toilet blocks at needy Schools and Public Places, 21 plus Welcome Signage Boards, Bus Shelters, Water Filter Kiosk and RO Water Filter, Donated 5KV Generator to Mahila Ashram, Educational support to innumerous children, 110 Artificial Limbs (Jaipur Foot), planted more than 12,510 saplings, Annadasoha-continuous relieving hunger program and the count is endless, which were carried out in association with local clubs situated in Goa and Karnataka.

Apart from all this, during her term added 7 new Lions Clubs and 7 new Leo Clubs, added 350 plus members, 56 Lion members contributed their donations towards Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).

Another feather in District Governor Lion Monica’s already decorated Cap , recently she is certified as Lions Certified Instructor Program (LCIP) by Lions Clubs International and she is one among 7 such certified people across PAN India. Her term 2018-2019 was well appreciated not only at District, Multiple, more importantly by the public and Government for her outstanding leadership and untiring commitment to serve the needy.

She was well supported by the District Cabinet Secretary MJF Lion Suresh Halgekar, District Cabinet Treasurer Lion Dr. Radhakrishna Harwadekar. Additional Cabinet Secretary MJF Lion Shreehari Pise.

MJF Lion Shreehari Pise stood strongly beside Governor Monika in all the ways possible and gave unconditional support in administration which was a milestone achieved. Always took charge of the district when the Governor was paying her official visits and so was rightly recognized for his deeds with the most prestigious award “LION OF THE YEAR.”

ಪ್ರಗತಿವಾಹಿನಿ ಸುದ್ದಿಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರಿಗೆ, ಬೇರೆ ಗ್ರುಪ್ ಗಳಿಗೆ ಶೇರ್ ಮಾಡಿ

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