
BDSSIA members inspected the Udyambag area

Pragativahini News, Belagavi
Belagavi District Small Scale Industries Assoication President Rohan Juvali, Vice President Ashok Koli, managing committee members Mahadev Chaugule and Prabhakar Nagarmunoli along with City corporation Belagavi sanitary inspector Ganachari inspected the Udyambag area near Ganesh temple, Rajaram Nagar & other parts of Udyambag industrial areas and instructed the Sanitary Inspector to clean all this area and all gutters should be clean regularly.
Rohan Juvali also requested all surrounding area members, factory owners, workers & canteen owners to keep area clean.
 Weekly two times city corporation will collect the garbage from each industry i.e. on Wednesday and Saturday. So members are requested not to through daily garbage on the roads and gutter, keep the waste in dustbins ( Not industrial Waste) and City corporation vehicles will collect the same.
If any one found while throughing garbage on Road, on that unit penalty will be charged by City corporation.
Also instructed sanitary inspector to inspect all the canteens in industrial estates and if any canteen using plastic cups then take action on them, since the plastic cups used to supply tea to the factories twice a day is making more garbage in industrial areas. So request all factory owners to insist canteen person to supply tea in steel glasses only. 

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