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2 days National Seminar Water Management through Inter-Basin Transfer

2 days National Seminar Water Management through Inter-Basin Transfer

Pragativahini News, Belagavi –

Institute of Engineers, Belagavi Local Chapter is organising two days National Seminar Water Management through Inter-Basin Transfer during 14th and 15th September 2019. During these days more than 50 research articles will be presented from various researchers pan India.

IEI Chariman Dr.SidramappaItti, Secretary B.G.Dharenni, Ex chairmen V.B.Jawoor, C.N.Wali informed in a press conference here.

 Water is being the most delightful entity in this world and not spread evenly in the world due to which one part of the world is full or water while other has not seen its presence. In case of Indian Scenario we have seen this case very closely in past few months as one part of our country was flooded with water while the other part has drought like situation.

This situations are due to the various factors like climate change, non-uniform rainfall as well the major reason for the same will be improper management of the Indian Rivers or due to the some of the disputes among the states. This all can be sorted or studied by proper management of the river basins by various methods like storing of the water to the certain extend or due to diverting the excess water to the other part of the river which has been less water or rainfall.

This concept of Inter-basin River transfer of the water or Interlinking of the rivers in other terms was started long back and proposed by the Dr. K.L. Rao, the legendary Irrigation minister of India, then this project was taken up by as flagship program under the able leadership of Atal Bhihari Vajpai, then Prime Minister of India and the Suresh Prabhu, then Union Minister was the architect of the programme.

They proposed linking of 14 Himalayan rivers in the north and 16 peninsular rivers in the south. The benefits of such a scheme are obvious – it would add 35-37 million hectares of irrigated land generate 34,000 million kilowatts of electricity and increase navigational efficiency apart from controlling floods and eliminating chances of drought.

By somehow due to the various Geo-Environ-Eco-Political issues the concept has not been progress. Presently, the water problem is in India is increasing day by day, Chennai is left with no water, next city which will be affected by this will be the Bangluru and similarly there the many other cities in line for this problems so, its essential to search for the permanent solution for the same.

50 research articles

Keeping this point in the mind Institute of Engineers, Belagavi Local Chapter is organising two days National Seminar Water Management through Inter-Basin Transfer during 14th and 15th September 2019. During these days more than 50 research articles will be presented from various researchers pan India. Along with it there will be Keynote talks by the experts like Dr. N. Laxman, NITK Suratkal, Er. R. Ranganath, EI, Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangaluru and Dr.RajendraPotdar, Director, WALMI, Dharwad.

The National seminar will be inaugurated on 14th September 2019 at 10 am by the Dr. A. S. Deshpande, Registrar, VTU and Prof.Arvind Galagali, Formar Advisor, Ministry of Water Resources, Govt. of Karnataka while the Dr.SidramappaItti, Chariman, IEI, Belagavi will preside over the function.

While the seminar will be concluded on 15th September 2019 along with the Celebration of 52nd Engineers Day whose chief Guest will be Girish C Hosur, IFS and Joint Secretary, Ministry of Human Resource Development, GOI and the Keynote address will be delivered by the Dr.SelvaBalan, Scientist CWPRS, Pune while Er. Sangamesh Nirani, Executive Director, Nirani Sugars Ltd. Mudhol will be the Guest of Honor, and Dr.SidramappaItti, Chariman, IEI, Belagavi will preside over the function. These two day workshop will be organised under the able guidance of senior Corporate members of IEI, Convener-ship of Er. C. B. Hiremath and Er. B. G. Dharenni and Co-Convener-ship of Er. Manoj N. Charantimath and Dr. B. Venkatesh.



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