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Adopt “Learn from Home” concept suggested by VC Prof. Karisiddappa

Pragativahini News, Belagavi – Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi has taken up a very good initiation to combat Covid -19 by conducting an awareness programme through video conferencing using VTU e-Shikshana Platform with all the Principals, Management and Staff of VTU Affiliated, Constituent and autonomous institutions on 20th March 2020.

Nearly around166 Principals from various institutions were actively participated in the videoConference. The meeting was presided by  Vice chancellor of VTU Dr. Karisiddappa, who had addressed on gravity of the problem and suggested thevarious precautionary measures to be taken up by the institutions to avoid the spreadingof Corona Virus. Further, appealed the Principals and Staffs to observe “Janatha Curfew”as suggested by our Prime Minster on 22nd March 2020.

During the meeting, VC had instructed the principals to send back all the studentsto their respective places safely and further to ensure the functioning of regularadministrative works and he mainly emphasized on the use of ICT and e-Learning platforms like youtube live, Google class, Zoom App etc. to conduct onlineclasses to the students and to give assignments, case studies, projects etc. to ensure thatthe regular academic functioning are not hampered and suggested the principal’s to comeout with an innovative method of teaching and learning using latest ICT platforms. Heintroduced the concept of “Learn from Home” and gave several tips on theimplementation of the same.Nearly, forty principals from various institutions across the state interacted livewith VC and Registrar’s, VTU and informed on various measures taken up by theirinstitutions to combat the effect of Covid-19. During the video conferencing,

Dr. Anand Deshpande, Registrar, VTU, Belagavi briefed on various VTU academicactivities and transmission of live lectures from the VTU e-Learning centre for variousUG programmes to the students of VTU affiliated institutions through YouTube as asupplementary learning and further suggested to use FaceBook live and other platformfor effective conduct of online classes. Dr. Annigeri, Registrar evaluation, discussed onvarious examination matters and requested the principals to adhere with the VTUguidelines and circulars.

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During the video conference, VTU Vice Chancellor and Registrar’s received wide appreciation and compliments from most of the Principals and Management of VTUaffiliated Institutions for taking magnificent steps to combat this deadly problem and forextending all the support from VTU.

ಪ್ರಗತಿವಾಹಿನಿ ಸುದ್ದಿಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರಿಗೆ, ಬೇರೆ ಗ್ರುಪ್ ಗಳಿಗೆ ಶೇರ್ ಮಾಡಿ

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