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E-SHALA programme Inaugurated at Bidi

Pragativahini News, Khanapur:

E-SHALA programme inauguratedat Bidi Govt. High School Khanapur Taluka Today, by Anjali Nimbalkr, MLA.

”It is one of its kind for Rural Education. Through this I am planning to digitalis all the govt schools in my constituency . To start with this year I have done 40 schools through MLA Funds and Menda Foundation CSR . Each Unit cost is 1 lakh Rupees. This year I have spent 20 lakhs for this and Menda is spending 20lakhs” said Anjali Nimbalkar.

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This Unit runs on Solar Energy. So Eco friendly with fun loving knowledge n education .
It is one of the first Initiative by a MLA in Karnataka for Digitization of Rural Education.

Chatru Menda from Menda Foundation, Sudipta Ghosh from Selco, Parth Sarathi from from Selco present.



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