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Industrial Sectoral to Restart Work from Monday

Pragativahini News, Belagavi  : The industrial sector of the state which got shutdown for more than a month will restart function from May 4.

Shown government nod to restart the sector,  Industries minister Jagadish Shettar at the industrialists meeting here on Saturday,  thanked the sector for its cooperation to the government to curb virus and stood abide with government decision.
He said industrial sector alike pre-lockdown term can work from Monday   abiding to the government guidelines. No passes required for workers to come to their factories. Industrialists must give self declaration letter to the Joint Director of District Industries.
HESCOM will not charge minimum charges and only the actual bill will be collected. There would be no disconnection for industrial defaulters.
He said the Joint Director of DIC will work as a nodal officer where the industrialists can contact him for the work.

Union Minister Suresh Anagadi, MP Prabhakar Kore, MLA Abhay Patil, Anil Benake, P.Rajeev, Officers, Industrialists,  Industrial Associations members attended the metting.

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