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Prgativahini News, Belagavi – The 10th Convocation of the KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (KAHER), Deemed-to-be-University, Belagavi will be held on Tuesday, the 14th July 2020 at 11 AM at KLE Centenary Convention Centre, JNMC Campus, Belagavi.  K.Sudhakar, Minister for Medical Education, Government of Karnataka will be the Chief Guest and deliver the Convocation Address.

Dr. Prabhakar Kore, Chancellor, KAHER and Chairman, KLE Society will preside over the function.

It is for the first time that the KAHER is holding a ‘virtual’ convocation and streaming it on the University’s website as well as You-Tube / Face-Book / Instagram and other social media platforms in view of the prevailing COVID-19 situation. The video-streaming will begin on Tuesday, the 14th July 2020 starting at 10.45 AM onwards.

The candidates who are declared qualified for the award of Degree/Diploma completed before 7th July 2020 including Internship in conformity with the Rules and Regulations of the respective Regulating Councils are being awarded in this Convocation. The Degrees and Awards will be conferred to the eligible candidates in absentia.

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In this Convocation, a total of 1,316 Degrees are being awarded in various disciplines of Health Science including Gold Medals for their academic achievements in their respective courses / specialties which include 11 Ph.D., 9 Post-doctoral (DM/M.Ch), 329 Post-Graduate, 876 Under-Graduate, 51 Post-Graduate Diploma, 14 Certificate  Course, 10 Fellowship and 16 Diploma.

The details of the Convocation are disseminated on the University website www.kledeemeduniversity.edu.in

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