Pragativahini News, Belagavi
A grand function has been arranged at the premises of Belgaum Club on Sunday evening on the occasion of the birth day celebration of Lakshmi Hebbalkar, MLA and Chairperson of Mysore Minerals.
The toppers of the SSLC examination who have the rural background will be honoured. Many important persons will participate in this programme arranged by Lakshmi Hebbalkar’s fan’s club. During last birth anniversary Lakshmi had honoured thousands of soldiers with rural background. Interestingly her birth day falls on February 14. But she celebrates her birth day on May 12 in honour of voters of her constituency who had elected her as an MLA on May 12.
Lakshmi Hebbalkar has gained public support by her developmental works in her constituency in short span of time. Her followers and fans have arranged the programme specially to thank her for her developmental works in Belagavi rural constituency represented by her.