
‘Youth for Science and Scientific Attitude’ -7 days National Integration Camp started

Pragativahini News, Belagavi:

‘Youth for Science and Scientific Attitude’  -7 days NSS National Integration Camp inaugurated in Belagavi today.

On the occasion of 150th Birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhiji and  50th Anniversary of National Service Scheme (NSS), KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University), Belagavi in collaboration with the State NSS Cell, Government of Karnataka, Bengaluru and the NSS Regional Directorate, Government of India, Bengaluru has organized  of  7 days NSS National Integration Camp from 27th February to 5th March 2019 at KLE Centaury Convention Centre, KAHER, J. N. Medical College campus, Belagavi.

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The theme of the Camp is ‘Youth for Science and Scientific Attitude’. As many as 150 NSS student volunteers and Programme Officers of various Universities across the three neighboring states are participating in this Camp. The formal inaugural function of the same was held on 28th February 2019. The program was started with two minutes silence as a mark of respect to the CRPF martyrs of Pulwama Terror Attack on 14th February 2019.

Prof. Dr. V.D. Patil, Registrar welcomed. Dr. N.S. Mahantshetti, Principal, J. N. Medical College introduced the Chief Guest. National and State level NSS Awardees of the University were felicitated on this occasion and the University level NSS Awards were also given to the awardees.

Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Guest Dr. Vivek Saoji, Vice-Chancellor, KAHER called upon the NSS student volunteers to imbibe the spirit of unity in diversity, team spirit and selfless service attitude. He also stressed on developing  communication skills, personality development, professional ethics, etc. and participating in extracurricular activities like NSS in addition to the academic achievements. He congratulated all the awardees for getting National / State / University NSS awards.

On this occasion, two special guest lecture were organized.  Brig. Govind Kalwad, Commandant, MLIRC, Belagavi delivered the talk on  ‘National Integration and the role of Indian Army’.  On behalf of KAHER Women Cell, Dr. Preeti Kore, Chief Co-ordinator delivered the lecture on  ‘Women Empowerment and Gender Sensitization’.

Dr. Shivaswamy M.S, NSS Advisor of the University was felicitated on this occasion for his valuable services rendered as NSS Program Co-ordinator of the University for the last five years. Dr. Mamatha A., Nityshree Koduri and Neha Mali were also felicitated for getting state level best NSS awards from the Government of Karnataka and  Pranav Adhyapak for getting 3rd Prize in Speech / declamation competition at National Level organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra Sanghatan, Government of India, New Delhi.

Dr. Ashwini Narasannavar, Dr. Shrishail Nimbal and Sanjay Ugare received the University level best NSS Programme Officer Awards,  Atharva Kadam,  Akul Ganachari, Niteesha Nutalapati and  Nityshree Koduri received University level best NSS student volunteer awards. Principals J. N. Medical College, Belagavi, KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubballi and KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi received the University level Best NSS Unit Awards.

Dr. Ashwini Narsannavar,  NSS Programme Coordinator proposed vote of thanks.  Dr. Snehal Dharmayat and Dr. Nirmala Anand anchored the programme.   All the Principals, Vice Principals and NSS Programme Officers, Faculty Members,  University Officials and students were present on the occasion.

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