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Scientific Society of JNMC, Belagavi organized ‘38th Annual CME-2020’  

Pragativahini News, Belagavi -: 38th Annual Continued Medical Education Virtual (Online) session of the Scientific Society of KAHER’s J.N.Medical College, Belagavi is organized on 11th and 12th July 2020.

The Theme for 2020 is ‘Current Trends in Diagnostic Medicine’.  Inauguration of the CME was held at the Department of Medical Education, J.N.Medical College, KAHER, Belagavi. The CME is jointly organized by the Departments of Pathology, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Radio-diagnosis of JNMC, Belagavi.

The CME was organized by Prof. Dr. Vivek A.Saoji, Vice-Chancellor, KAHER, Belagavi.  He appreciated the efforts of the Organizing Committee to hold CME virtually first time in Covid-19 times and said the Theme ‘Current Trends in Diagnostic Medicine’ will help healthcare faculty to update themselves in the pandemic about Covid-19.

Prof. Dr. (Mrs) N.S.Mahantashetti.  Principal, JNMC in her presidential address, said various topics chosen for CME are appropriate in managing health problems – specially in diagnosing various emerging and re-emerging diseases.  All health practitioners should take full use of the virtual CME to update their knowledge in diagnosis and treatment.

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Prof. Dr. V.A.Kothiwale, Registrar released the latest edition of JNMC Scientific Society Journal and said that JNMC is publishing the journal uninterruptedly for the last 38 years which is now indexed and peer reviewed.

On this occasion, Department of Surgery and Department of ENT were adjudged as best Departments of JNMC, based on the case presentations done in JNMC Scientific Society sessions held on alternate weeks, received by Dr. Abhijit Gogte and Dr. Anil Harugopp, Heads of the respective Departments.

Dr. N.Jayaram, Managing Director and Consultant Pathologist, Anand Diagnostic Laboratories, Bengaluru delivered Dr. B.S.Jirge Oration Lecture on the topic ‘Shifting Sands – Changing Paradigms of the Pathology Laboratory’

Dr. Asha Patil, Dr. Manjula Vagarali, Dr. Jayasimha, Dr. Barnali Das, Dr. Navin Mulimani, Dr. Abhinandan Ruge, Dr. Rashmi Angadi, Dr. Anand Ammanagi, Dr. Asawari Sant, Dr. Ramesh Chavan, Dr. Vijayetha Patil are the Resource Persons who will deliver lectures on various topics on  ‘Current Trends in Diagnostic Medicine’.

A panel discussion on ‘COVID-19’ also has been organized on this occasion moderated by Dr. V.A.Kothiwale, Registrar and Dr.R.S.Mudhol, Dr. Sharada C.Metgud, Dr. Rekha Patil, Dr. Shivaswamy M.S and Dr. Bhagyashri Patil are the experts for panel discussion.

900 Delegates from various places across India and abroad and faculty, PG students of JNMC and private practitioners participated in the virtual CME.  Dr. Ranjit Kangle, Chairman of the CME welcomed the Delegates. Dr. Suntia Patil and Dr. Sheetal Harakuni anchored the program. Dr. Shama Bellad and Dr. Reshka Karishetti, Secretaries of the CME proposed vote of thanks.

Dr. V.D.Patil, Dr. H.B.Rajashekhar, Dr. M.V.Jali and Dr. A.P.Hogade were present on this occasion. The CME has been allotted two CME Credit hours by the Karnataka State Medical Council for the participating delegates.



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