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Young medicos must serve rural community; Dr. K Sudhakar

Pragativahini News, Belagavi – The world is under the grip of unprecedented COVID-19 Pandemic attack and the young pass outs have tremendous responsibilities as compared to their predecessors as the pass outs have to encounter new challenges of COVID-19 pandemic and advised the medicos to accept the challenge and build strong fight against the disease stressed Dr. K Sudhakar, Minister of Medical Education, Govt. of Karnataka.

He was speaking at 10th Convocation of KAHER (KLE University) on digital platform from Bengaluru. He also stated close to 70% population lives in villages which are deprived of doctors and medical facilities. He urged the medicos to serve the rural community for at least 5 years. He also quickly added the completion of medical course does not mean end of learning, medicine is changing leaps and bounds and doctor must be abreast with latest skills, technology and knowledge. Society treats doctors as next to god with folded hands and called on the doctors to be empathetic and serve with compassion. He also said degree is a feather in the cap and this is the time to fly with wings but cautioned the society look at medical professional with great expectations as there is sudden spurt of cases in COVID-19. Indian Doctors have maintained very high clinical standards and the fatality rate of covid in the country is lowest in the world and is the standing testimony of   our doctor’s calibers appreciated Dr. Sudhakar.  He also quoted doctor must live for welfare of the society and service to the mankind should be the ethos.

The founders of the KLE Society have done a silent revolution in education, health care, agriculture and have built KLE Society on the principles of selfless service and sacrifices of seven eminent teachers.  The successful saga of over century old KLE Society is worth emulating for all of us said Dr. Sudhakar.  He lauded the untiring efforts of Dr. Prabhakar Kore, Chancellor of the KAHER and Chairman of the KLE Society. His vision, connect with masses and international collaborations speaks volumes about his strong leadership he has given to Society.  Today Belagavi has developed as educational hub and globally recognized for the presence of KLE Society said Dr. Sudhakar. He congratulated all the young medicos for their degrees and advised the pass outs to fulfill the dreams and aspirations of their parents.

Dr. Vivek Saoji, Vice Chancellor the KAHER presenting the annual  report highlighted that KAHER is the 2nd best University in Karnataka and constituent units of the KAHER have attained higher rankings nationally.  As a part of international student exchange program 8-10 students from Thomas Jefferson University will be coming to J N Medical College and vice versa every year. The University has brought in transparency, accountability and carried reforms in exams, early evaluation and conduct of error free exams. By the year 2021-22 Medical College with 150 intake admissions will be started in Hubballi,. In collaborations with Aster Group a hospital will come up in Bengaluru, The Pune Hospital Project and Cancer Hospital project at Belagavi are in progress he said. The KAHER provides ample of opportunity and scope for holistic development of students and students have turned out to be green warriors and it is their effort with support of management has made KLE Campus among the best medical campus in the country.

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Dr. Shivani B Mareguddi, Dr. Vishal Kulgod, Dr. Sandesh Joshi received gold medals for their exceptional performance in MBBS course. Dr. Niharika Sabharwal, Dr. Roshan Rangnekar received gold medals in BDS course. In this convocation Total 44 gold medals, 12 Ph.Ds, 1398 degrees,  9 post doctoral (DM/Mch), 400 Post graduates, 886 Under graduates, 51 Post –Graduate Diploma, 14 Certificate course, 10 Fellow Ships and 16 Diploma were awarded in the 10th Convocation.

The entire program was conducted on digital platform with bare minimum number of invitees by strictly maintaining social distancing in the hall with mask and sanitizers compulsory for all. Dr. Sunil Jalalpure, Controller of Exam lead the colorful procession, Dr. Prabhkar Kore, Chancellor of KAHER Presided over the funcation. Dr. V A Kothiwale, Registrar of the KAHER announed the gold medals.  Dr. V S Sadhunnavar, Dr. Mahantesh Kavatagimath, Dr. B G Desai, Dr. M V Jali, Dr. N S Mahantshetti, Dr. R S Mudhol, Dr. Alka Kale, Dr. Srinivas Prasad Members of Board of management and University officials and Heads of the Department were present.  Dr. Avinash Kavi and Dr. (Mrs) Neha Dhaded compared the program.



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